Tag Archives: Twitter

If this is the present then what could be the future?

29 Apr

A lot of events happen over spaces like Facebook, Twitter. Events such as our reunion with our schoolmates after long years, knowing about them and their work and life in just few minutes and so on. Imagine this in a traditional offline meet up, where we would exchange number of questions and answers just to get some basic information like contacts, photos, other memories. On the other hand you might even come to know information which you may or may not want to know. I guess I will stop here on this.

If we look at other events around us, social media is providing us with the opportunity to speak our minds, be communicative, and allow us to express our mind, feelings and emotions. In short it has made us all conversationalist, whether we are debating our views on various topics or sharing ideas and of course having fun by playing games, watching videos etc.

I feel that earlier we were not connected this way with various mediums like email, mobile etc or maybe routine life, busy work schedule may have limited us to do what we wanted to do.

My point or rather a question to you is that do you think that social media platforms have created various opportunities and flexibilities for people to connect, express and socialize in a better, open ended, interactive way to share moments of life?

Is social media playing a significant role in evolving our mindsets and behaviors ?  If this is the present then what could be the future ?

Please do share your thoughts on what do you think about this ?

The article was originally posted on Futurechat