Tag Archives: human

Gen X or Gen Y – Deliver Value

10 Jun

Let’s just for a moment keep aside the Gen Y and X terminology. Why don’t we see this from a more human aspect? whether its Gen Y or Gen X every generation have their own unique generic characteristics, skill sets and talent depending on the era/age they were born and are living in. Their approaches and thinking to achieve the same thing is and will always be different. While Gen X might complete one task at a time, Gen Y might complete the same task while doing other tasks simultaneously. If we all as individuals thought or approached same way then there would not be any innovation or creativity. I would like mention a quote of Mr. Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL technologies. He says in his video post:

“God has given birth to so many people in this world and none of them look alike, none of them behave alike, none of them feel alike and every single individual among these billions and billions of people is different,. So the world was not meant to be evaluated on a relative scale, it was meant to be enjoyed in all its glorious beauty, in its individual beautiful way. Every rose is different, every animal is different and every man and woman is different. Therefore, the concept of relative evaluation and making people feel good or bad on relative evaluation is something which organizations have discovered so that they can manage their jobs of running organizations.”
You can watch the full video over here

In case of so-called Gen Y all what one needs to do is to adapt and understand their approach and views to work and collaborate better to gain great results.
I think terming the entire Gen Y as lazy, loss souls etc is not fair. If there are huge numbers of people today who are young and confused, it’s also due to the environment they are in. The numbers of choices and options they have to choose from, whether it’s a choosing a course or planning career. When there is so much opportunity and choices its basic human nature to get distracted and sometimes end up doing mistakes or taking wrong decisions irrespective of from which generation you are. You will find people of varied characteristics in every generation like Good, Bad, Ugly, or Poor, Average, Excellent.

The situations and thought process of Gen Y differs a lot due to the countries, cultures, traditions and trend differences.

There is a lot of innovation and creativity done by Gen X in the field of Science, Technology, Art, Literature, Business, Management. They had laid the foundation and I believe the Gen Y is and still striving to take that innovation, creativity and foundation to the next level.  In fact the Gen Y members have went on to make great contributions and innovations to the mankind with the help of advance technology which is being embraced, appreciated by all generations.
The generational categorization is fine as long as it does not go beyond the nature of its purpose. No matter which generation are you in the focus and aim should be to perform and deliver value.

What do you think of this ? I would love to hear your thoughts ?